The Magic Is in The Process

This is a great video about Sugru Inventor Jane ni Dhulchaointigh who recounts the journey from having a crazy idea to the creation and launch of her own product. NSFW in terms of the F word.

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James Victore: Your Work Is A Gift

This is a great talk by James Victore about striving to do good design work that really matters. His work for the Department of Probation is a great example of taking a difficult project and making something truly great. He does use a few rude words in this video (…and all of the other ones).

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Fake Criterion Collection

Midnight Marauder is a Los Angeles based designer who is producing a series of great ‘fake’ Criterion film posters and DVD jackets. Apparently there are going …

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Dishonored by Arkane Studios

Dishonored is a stealth-action-FPS hybrid that is currently being developed by Arkane Studios in France. It looks to be a very atmospheric game that borrows from …

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